2011 Family Thanksgiving
2011 Family Thanksgiving
What a sight to see 16 family and friends sitting at the 2011 Thanksgiving Dinner on the Hira Villa Patio! On the menu: 23 lb. Turkey, Honey Baked Ham, Sweet Potato, Vegetable caserole, Turkey Dressing, etc. and Pumpkin Pie, and other desserts! We were blessed that all 11 of us: little Nevy, Zainy, Tajy, Allie, Cristina, Naan, Jimbo, Shesh, Marv, Nemaw Jo Ann and little ole me were all there this year! Then we had Meherzad, my sister Tehmi's Daisy's son (too bad his wife Krupali could not join us due to work)! And then we had Jo Ann's sister's son Joe and his wife, Mary, and our good neighbor Pheroza Sethna and her friend Sandy! All 16 of us! We took this opportunity to take a family portrait by that famous shutter bug, you know who, and so, these are the photos of our Thanksgiving weekend for the whole family! Hope you all like them as much as we do! In fact, Sheesh already made one of our family portrait into a wonderful frame photo to be hung in Hira Villa living room with our other two previous family portrait!
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