NAMC 2008 AGM Toronto
NAMC 2008 AGM Toronto
North American Mobed Council (NAMC) held its bi-annual AGM at Ontario Cultural Zoroastrian Foundation (OZCF) Head-Quarters in Missisauga, Ontario on May 24-25. The highlights of the AGM was a discussion of Five Gahs given by 5 different speakers. At the end of the AGM, the bi-annual election of the Board officers was conducted. The following NAMC members in good standing were unanimously elected: President: Ervad Kobad Zarolia Vice-President:Ervad Noshir Mirza Secretary:Ervad Nozer Kotwal Treasurer:Ervad Gev Karkaria Executive Officer:Ervad Gustad Panthaki. On behalf of the entire NAMC, we would like to thank outgoing officers: Ervad Jehan Bagli, Ervad Adi Unwalla and Ervad Cawas Desai, for their wonderful leadership, dedication and scholarship to all of us for six long years. At the request of the new NAMC President and his Executive Board, Ervad Soli P. Dastur is appointed in charge of all NAMC Communications as well as keeping NAMC website up to date. In this photo album, we present the NAMC AGM, new officers, outgoing officers, and the gracious hosting of a dinner for NAMC attendees by M/M Niloufer & Mehernosh Bhesania, Niloufer being the President of OZCF. We thank the Bhesanias for their wonderful hospitality. The photos of this dinner are also presented. With the help and direction of Ervad Jehan Bagli and Ervad Kerman Katrak, NAMC is proud to announce their brand new website:
Hostess and Host confering the next move!
Hostess and Host confering the next move!